• Question: why did you chose forensics over other kinds of science

    Asked by claraoldfield to Anna, Craig, Richard, Shane, Sue on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Craig McKenzie

      Craig McKenzie answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hi Clara,

      That is a really good question to ask and an important one. I don’t think I ever made a specific choice to become a forensic scientist. I do like figuring things out very carefully but I have always done this in all my science jobs.

      Forensic science is the application of lot of different types of science to the law. So the same type of sciences that can be used in Forensic Science cases are actually used in many other types of job. In my mind you have to be a good scientist or investigator first and then understand how to understand how to use your knowledge to figure out what has happened after a crime investigation.

      I can give you an example: I started my career as a scientist studying pollution in whales, dolphins and seals off of the coast in scotland. I received samples from animals that washed up dead on the beach and we analysed those samples for different chemicals and poisons. This was carried out using the same techniques I use today as a forensic scientist when I receive a sample for analysis from someone involved in a criminal investigation (either a suspect or a victim normally). The only difference in the two situations is the use (we call this context) that the results are going to be put to. In both cases we have to ensure that the results we give are right and that we explain what they actually mean clearly. – In my opinion did the dolphin have much higher levels of pollution in its body than normal – could this have been involved in its death? In my opinion did the victim die because they had eaten/drunk/injected a harmful substance – was it deliberate, could it have been accidental?

      So i hope i’ve explained that forensic science is made up of different types of sciences, chemistry, biology and all the sciences in between. Forensic scientists are taught to think in a very particular way and to apply their specialist scientific knowledge (some that they might have learnt before they were a forensic scientist) to the criminal case.

      I love forensic science because i can really use all the different things I have learnt and that all investigations are different and you have to think things through very carefully. You also get a very good feeling when you have done a really good job that has helped the court come to the right decision – that the right person has been punished for a crime that has been comitted and that the wrong person is not blamed by mistake.

      That was a long answer but I hope it helps!

    • Photo: Richard Case

      Richard Case answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I didn’t find forensics…. forensics found me.

      I never intended to have a career in a “science based” field.

      I started working for South Wales Police when I left school, and was immediately attracted to Fingerprints and Forensics…. it was a role where I was working closely with CID officers to solve crimes… it is a great feeling when you know you have made a difference to peoples lives!

    • Photo: Anna Williams

      Anna Williams answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hi Claraoldfield,
      I always knew I wanted to do forensic science, because I wanted to be a detective and to find out the truth. This is true for all the other sciences of course, but I thought it sounded more exciting to be involved in investigating murders and serial killers and things like that! I also thought that, because I could deal with the nastier side of the science, like the dead and decomposing bodies, that I sort of had a duty to do it, to allow other people to do the less objectionable sciences!

    • Photo: Shane Pennington-Cooper

      Shane Pennington-Cooper answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hello Clara,

      What a very good question.

      It all started when my strongest subject through gcses was science, I had always had a passion for science, but as you may well know gcse science comprises of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, when I furthered my studies into A level I had to pick a science to further my education, this was a tough decision as I enjoyed all aspects of science. I decided to go with the one I liked slightly more which was Biology, during the years I got more and more fascinated with Biology and started to think about what I could do with a Biology A-level, I took this and applied my over analytical brain and merged this into a passion for crime and my true passion for forensic science was born. Ever since I am always researching into the field and find the application of science to law fascinating. My advice if you wish to be a forensic scientist then do well in your studies and make sure you take a science preferably chemistry or biology into A-Level.

    • Photo: Sue Carney

      Sue Carney answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I didn’t initially plan to work in forensics, I just knew I wanted to work with DNA because I found it so fascinating. I’d worked in research for a while and had managed to complete my masters degree while I was doing that, but when I saw that the Forensic Science Service were recruiting forensic scientists with a DNA specialism, I knew that that was what I wanted to do.

      Having now worked in forensic science for so long, I’m happy to say that it was the right decision. There are lots of other aspects to the job that suit me and that I find exciting, especially the good feeling that comes from having contributed to justice being done, and I don’t think I’d ever want to do anything else.
