• Question: Where is the evidence that a Designer exists? And, why do so many Creationists act like this question is not even important, when they claim they are doing science?

    Asked by mikewhite3 to Anna, Craig, Richard, Shane, Sue on 17 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sue Carney

      Sue Carney answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      mikewhite3, this is an awesome question! I’ve been searching the web for info, but nothing useful to share so far (although there’s lots of information out there.)

      I’m a bit skeptical as to whether intelligent design theory is really science, but I’m open minded about it. I think that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to, and we should respect other people’s beliefs. However, I personally think that the theory of evolution is a wonderfully elegant way of explaining how life on earth has developed.

      I’m going to ask some of the scientists from the other zones to comment on this question. Let’s see what they think.

    • Photo: Shane Pennington-Cooper

      Shane Pennington-Cooper answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hello Mikewhite,

      Currently there is no evidence that a designer existed but then there is no evidence that a designer did not exist, I cannot say that I believe in evolution or creationism, the fact that water is so versatile, nothing can live without it, we are all made up of it, the human brain is soo complex and so is DNA, these things cannot just happen by chance nor can be created because you would have to be extremely clever to create everything from scratch. My view is I do not know and I do not think it will ever be answered.

    • Photo: Anna Williams

      Anna Williams answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi Mikewhite3,
      I think this is more a question for the Evolution zone.
      As Sue says, all beliefs are valid and should be respected. However, personally, I am a firm believer in evolution, and I don’t believe in a Designer or I.D. I think there is much more scientific evidence to support evolution than creation, for example.

    • Photo: Richard Case

      Richard Case answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Science is all about having different outcomes and conducting research and experiments until one can be proved or all disproved…. therefore if a scientist cannot put forward detailed arguments and proof that a “designer” does not exist, but still discounts its possibility… then are they really scientists??

    • Photo: Craig McKenzie

      Craig McKenzie answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Hi Mikewhite3,
      this is a controversial question and it is good to think about these things. We will never know anything with absolute certainty but as Anna has said there is certainly far more evidence (and good checkable testable scientific observations and evidence) that supports evolutionary theory. Anything else for me personally would be a leap of faith that I cannot believe in without it being backed up by fact.

      This is my belief and i am quite happy to discuss and defend that opinion. I am also very open to hearing all arguments but I will assess and interpret the evidence presented to me in a scientific way.

      There is a beauty and level of organisation in nature that is incredible as well as in mathematics but maybe that is just our perception of beauty and organisation, maybe it is the hand of a ‘designer’ but maybe that is just how the world and nature is

      a ver good question that really gets me thinking – which is always good.
