• Question: Could there be life on Mars?

    Asked by jodierapley to Anna, Craig, Richard, Shane, Sue on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Richard Case

      Richard Case answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      THERE IS DEFINITELY LIFE ON MARS! (and every other type of chocolate bar)

      If you look at the chocolate bar under a strong enough microscope, you will be able to observe bacteria….

      But if you are talking about the planet… then I’d like to think it would be possible to support human life with a couple of subtle changes to the atmosphere.

    • Photo: Shane Pennington-Cooper

      Shane Pennington-Cooper answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      When the sun ages and becomes cooler then we may see life on mars, I believe NASA found a small pool of water on mars but no life as yet. If this question was answered decades ago unfortunately David Bowie would not have had a musical hit. 🙂

    • Photo: Anna Williams

      Anna Williams answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      If NASA have found water, it is only a matter of time (a few million years or so) before there could be some sort of amoebic life there. And theoretically, humans could colonise quite soon, making it a holiday destination before too long! 🙂

    • Photo: Sue Carney

      Sue Carney answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      This is not my area at all, but I do know that the presence of water would be a big factor.

      I like Richard’s answer about Mars bars though!
