• Question: can a black hole ever lose any of its mass? and how?

    Asked by thedestroyer to Anna, Craig, Richard, Shane, Sue on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sue Carney

      Sue Carney answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi thedestroyer.

      I’ve absolutely no idea about this. I know that black holes have so much gravity that they swallow up light, hence are black holes, but that’s the extent of my knowledge.

      One of the brain zone scientists asked for comments on one of their questions today, via Twitter, so I’ll do the same. I bet there are some physicists on here somewhere who could answer this for you. 🙂

    • Photo: Anna Williams

      Anna Williams answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi thedestroyer,
      I have no idea either! We need help from the Quantum zone!

    • Photo: Shane Pennington-Cooper

      Shane Pennington-Cooper answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hello the destroyer, my quantum physics knowledge shines through,

      The answer to your question is yes a black hole can lose its mass, what is the reason well it is quite simple, black holes have the ability to create particles due to the black holes vacuum it can potentially cause the particle to break away as a form of energy, if energy is lost then mass is lost. I believe it was founded by Stephen Hawkings who suggested that because particles can be lost then a black hole very slowly can evaporate and disappear.

    • Photo: Richard Case

      Richard Case answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hello again thedestroyer,

      My brother is the sci-fi nerd, so can’t help you with this one…. Shanes answer sounds plausible enough and I will bow down to his knowledge in this area 🙂
